Short Clips : Shamba Shape Up
Shamba Shape Up Season 13 - Intro Promo

Welcome to the 13th Year of Shamba Shape Up! We have travelled all over East Africa to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need. So they can adapt, and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields and turn their farms into successful businesses. We meet families and enter their kitchens to explore how to cook in cleaner, faster, cheaper ways. We will see how farmers from across the region can benefit from our expert’s advice. While also learning from each other, in so many ways. Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences as they shape up their shambas. On the Shamba Shape Up safari.  Shamba Shape Up is a Mediae Company

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Intro: Boma

Introduction to NRT and learning how to improve our environment using our house as guide.

Building our rangelands.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - SSU 12 Intro Promo

Welcome to shamba shape up series 12!

We have travelled all over EastAfrica to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need. So they can adapt and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields. And increase their income. We will see how farmers can benefit from our experts advice. While also learning from each other. Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences, on the Shamba Shape Up safari.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Series 10: Let it Rain promo


Shamba Shape Up and iShamba have started a competition today called "Let it Rain”

You can win up to 100,000 Ksh by guessing the correct start of the rains in your area. 

On your basic or smartphone, DIAL *384*888222#, or CLICK HERE:

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This promotion is done by The Mediae Company

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Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - SSU 11 Promo

Welcome to shamba shape up. 

We have travelled all over East Africa to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need, so they can adapt and make their farms more productive even while the climate changes.  

We will see how farmers from across the region can benefit from our experts advice, and learn from each other, in so many ways.  Join us on these journeys and share in the farmer’s experiences as they shape up their shambas.

 Hurry, to the Shamba Shape Up safari.

Partner's Clips - CSA Introduction

An introduction to Climate Smart Agriculture

Partner's Clips - Maize_Maize Pests & Diseases

How to reduce pests and diseases in your maize

Partner's Clips - Maize_Maize Harvesting & Storage

When to harvest and how to store maize so it lasts longer

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Mobile for maize variety

George learns that he could use his mobile phone to get information from KEPHIS about what maize variation he could plan in his area.

Partner's Clips - Dairy_Cows Housing

Proper housing to keep your cows healthy and producing well

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Drip Irrigation

Joseph & his Friends visit Katumani Research Centre where they learn what crop variations they need to plant because they are farming in an arid area. They also learn about the drip irrigation method

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Tomatoes

Jeremiah learns the correct way of planting tomatoes

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Fake Chemicals

Arthur  learns what to look out for when buying chemical, in order to avoid getting a fake product

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Ant Hills and Protective Gear

Arthur learns how to deal with his Ant hills, BUT remember to ALWAYS wear protective gear when handling Chemicals

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Cost Breakdown of Keeping Chickens

A simple cost breakdown of keeping a flock of healthy indigenous chickens.

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Maintaining Healthy Chickens

Treating your chickens with antibiotics and preventing parasitic infection. S01Ep05

Partner's Clips - Dairy_Cows Feeding

What to feed you cow and how much

Partner's Clips - Dairy_Planting Fodder

Setting up a nursery for fodder grasses

Partner's Clips - Dairy_Making Hay

How to make and store hay

Partner's Clips - Dairy_Making Silage

Prepare for the dry season by making silage

Partner's Clips - Trees_Trees Intro

Trees can provide multiple benefits on your shamba

Partner's Clips - Trees_Agroforestry

What is Agroforestry and what are the benefits?

Partner's Clips - Trees_Pruning Trees

How to do a soil test and why it’s important Pruning for faster and better growth

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT: Soil

This cartoon will reveal the importance of soil for a number of reasons. From planting to small insects.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Series 7 Official Trailer

Shamba Shape Up is East Africa's favourite farming show! Join us as we educate, entertain and elevate those who need our help. Karibu to the shape-up safari!

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - SSU 12 Intro Promo

Welcome to shamba shape up series 12

 We have travelled all over EastAfrica to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need. So they can adapt and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields. And increase their income. We will see how farmers can benefit from our experts advice. While also learning from each other. Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences, on the Shamba Shape Up safari.

Partner's Clips - Soil management_Soil Test

How to do a soil test and why it’s important

Partner's Clips - Financial Inclusion_Budget

What is a budget and how does it work

Partner's Clips - Financial Inclusion_Savings

Why are savings so important and how to save

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up Clips - Improving The Chicken House

We have a look at the proper hygiene practices when keeping chicken,

Partner's Clips - Financial Inclusion_Insurance

What is insurance and how to get insurance

Partner's Clips - Soil Management_Conservation Agriculture

The 3 main principles of conservation agriculture

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 2: Plant

This cartoon will introduce plants as living beings, which provide the critical link between soils, livestock and wildlife, and people. All of us need to understand that grazed plants require time to recover and flourish. When grazed plants cannot properly recover, they become smaller and often die. Only us, the people can manage the plants and animals to meet the needs of each other.

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Dermatophilosis in Cattle

How to prevent and treat this skin disease in your cattle

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Healthy Layer Hens

Advice on keeping your layer hens healthy and happy and getting a good yield

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Zero Grazing

An expert from Coopers advises on zero grazing

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Mastitis

Detecting and preventing mastitis in your dairy cow

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Solar Light

d. light tell us why solar power is so much better than kerosine lamps

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 3: Water

This cartoon will reveal the importance of water for everything living and how people can work to capture and save water through the protection of plants and soil.

Partner's Clips - Soil management_Fertilizer & Manure

Why fertiliser and manure are important for your crops

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Maize for your area

SMS KEPHIS to find out the best maize variety for your area, and the benefits of fertilizer

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Storing Maize

How to correctly store maize to reduce post harvest losses

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 4: Livestock

This cartoon shows the most important part, we as people can play is to herd our livestock so they do not eat all the plants and damage them. When livestock are poorly herded they destroy the plants and the result is bare ground, which leads to us loosing our soil.

Partner's Clips - Soil management_Farms on Slopes

How to manage your soil when farming on a slope

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Harvesting Rainwater

How to catch the rainwater for use in your home and shamba

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Cash Books

Cash books help you keep track of the incomings and outgoings of your household

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 5: Wildlife

This cartoon explains the Wildlife – what they are, why they are important and importantly how the people can benefit.

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 6: Climate Change

This cartoon explains the climate and the weather – what they are and importantly how they are uncontrollable. This is important for people to realise so they start to address the other issues first (soil, plants, water, livestock, wildlife and people) before blaming the climate or weather, as is currently the case.

Partner's Clips - Water management_Drip Irrigation

How to install a drip irrigation system on your farm

Partner's Clips - Maize_Maize Planting

How to plant maize for good results

Partner's Clips - NRT - NRT Part 7: People

This cartoon flags up the overall importance of people as the decision makers who can influence the outcome of their actions through actions.

Partner's Clips - Maize_Maize Management

How to keep your maize healthy and get good yields