Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 2: "Gone Bananas"


Back home in Kabulondampeke, life is not any better for Isaiah. His father is pushing him to go back in the city claiming it is where jobs for youths like him are found. Isaiah fails to convince his father that life in the city is not a joke. It is only Joy, his mother who is on his side and is happy to have him back home but even she is pushing him into farming something that Isaiah has never been interested in. Isaiah later talks his father into having him stay in the house a little longer after he spots him at Trinity’s bar having a good time and getting too close to the bartender and owner Trinity.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 3: "Loan Me Not"

BUDGET, PLANNING, ACCESS TO LOANS Isabella with Isaiah’s help tries to get a loan to support her idea of commercial farming and in the process Isaiah learns more about budgeting and planning.

FINANCIAL LITERACY (CREDIT WORTHINESS, COLLATERAL) The women in the SACCO learn more from Otai on better ways to access finances and loans. Otai opens their eyes to the fact that Aggrey has been exploiting them with the high interest rates.

IMPROVE MILK PRODUCTION Alphonse learns from Benson that he can improve on his milk production and produce more than two litres per day. Benson tells him about improving the feeds for the cows and also asks him to consider owning a new breed.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 4: "Love Kick"

NUTRITION, GET A LOAN Dorotia kicks Agatha and the kids out of her house. As they walk the street with Shaka, Isabella sees them and gets the idea to farm nutritious foods and make money. This was the missing link in her application for a loan.

DANGERS OF QUICK MONEY, BUDGETING AND PLANNING Alphonse, tired of seeing his son Isaiah laze around at home, gets him a plumbing job at the Cooperative. Uninterested, Isaiah absconds from the assignment and teams up instead with Isabella, when he sees the opportunity of making quick money through the loan she is seeking from the Micro-Finance. Isabella gets the loan but this creates a rift between her and Isaiah when he learns that he is getting no cut from the loan as she intends to put it to use as applied for.

MISMANAGEMENT IN SACCOS The market women, who are also seeking a loan for their SACCO kick out their Chair, Jenny, at the encouragement of Dorotia. Her crime is mismanagement.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 5: "Machiavellians"

MARKET, QUALITY OF PRODUCE Esteri finds better market for the Matooke produce, she convinces the women that the only way they can get a better price is by joining their produce and selling in Bulk. Dorotia is sceptical about the idea and she thinks she will be cheated, even Esteri’s buyer takes long to arrive which unnerves the women. The women rally behind Esteri and decide they will not sell to Aggrey but to Esteri’s produce buyer. Dorotia, tired of waiting convinces Jenny to talk to Aggrey so that they can sell their produce, they need money. Jenny tries to get Aggrey to pay her what he owes but Aggrey tricks her into convincing the women to sell to him, at a lower price. Esteri is surprised when Jenny, Dorotia and Joy decide to sell to Aggrey who cheats them, there is celebration at the market when the buyer arrives offering the market Price.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 6: "Coffee Bail"

NUTRITION Having recently attained a small part of a coffee plantation as pay from Aggrey, Shaka sets out to seek membership at the cooperative. His efforts take him to Agatha, where Dorotia stumbles on them. In his attempt to prove that nothing suspicious is going on between them, Shaka finds himself in a hospital where he attends a very uncomfortable lecture among pregnant women and mothers about good feeding and nutrition.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 7: "Together As One"

FAKE CHEMICALS Isaiah in a bid to make up for his mistakes to Isabella makes things worse by using fake weed killer destroying some of her crop. He learns that quick fixes are never the way out.

GOOD PRACTISES VIA COFFEE, WORKING TOGETHER AS COUPLES, JOINT ACCOUNTS, SAVING The women are determined to make the men listen and agree on working together as partners in- order to improve on their lively hoods by saving together and making important decisions.

PROPER MANAGMENT OF CO-OPS Aggrey gets suspended from the Co-operative for duping one of the members selling him poor quality coffee berries knowingly, and not sharing important knowledge on coffee as a member.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 8: "New Beginnings"

FINANCIAL LITERACY, PROPER MANAGMENT OF SACCO Dorotia wants all her money she has saved with the SACCO but Esteri urges her and all the women that rather than take the money they should save more. She shares the idea of bringing in more members, so that they can have, more money to lend out. The women are sceptical about the idea, but she assures them that the only way the SACCO will benefit them is if they involve everybody who is able to earn and save. Jenny returns and she is welcomed back, she manages to convince Crescent and the Co-operative members to join the SACCO. Excitement as they set the date to launch the SACCO.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 9: "Let's Go Dancing"

BEST MARKETS, STORAGE, SHORT TERM CROPS (HORTICULTURE) Isabella, Isaiah and the youth (VSLA) have a discussion on how to find good market for their produce, they also get a demonstration on how to use pic bags for storage and also what is best to plant as a short-term crop in order to always have a cash flow.

BEST MARKETS, ORANGE SWEET FLESH POTATOES, The SACCO celebrate their merger and also discuss their way forward as a group, they hold an auction.

FAMILY WORKING TOGETHER Alphonse and Joy re-commit to each other and promise to work together as a family

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 10: "Every Dog Has His Day"

HARVESTING, DRYING, SHELLING, STORAGE Isabella and the VSLA youth launch their initiative to work together as they harvest, dry, store, save to buy a shelling machine for their maize and also look for good market prices.

USE OF TRACTORS (MECHANIZATION), VALUE ADDITION, BEST MARKET Aggrey tries to convince Jenny to see things from his perspective about farmers using the tractor to improve on their lives he doesn’t know what she has in store for him.

FARMING AS A FAMILY BUSINESS, STORAGE, DRYING The Ssebyuuma’s democratically decide on who is going to run the family business.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 11: "Beyond What We See"

BEST MARKET, BOOK KEEPING AND RECORDS Isabella, Isaiah and the VSLA youth manage to get good market for their joint maize produce selling it to Maganjo grain millers. This is after they get the idea of being their own middle men from Alphonse who fails to execute the idea himself after being advised by his wife that they are not yet ready as a family to invest in being produce dealers.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 12: "Toast To The Future"

NEW MAIZE SEED VARITIES, PLANTING, USE OF MANURE Isaiah finds out that he needs fertilizer for his land but doesn’t have enough money to buy the required quantity. Gabriel advises that he can mix fertilizer with manure and get better yields. He starts collecting cow dung from the cow shed at home to the new farm land, with the help of Isabella. Alphonse learns from Gabriel that he can get better yields from Maize if he plants new seed instead of replanting, he starts on the process of clearing the land and applying manure. Alphonse is surprised when he finds no cow dung in the shed, and Isaiah is using it without asking. Isaiah apologizes and promises to start planning as a family to avoid such clashes. Alphonse and Esteri are happy with Isaiah and Isabella’s farm and they promise to support them. Isaiah and Isabella are having a light moment together. Isaiah is surprised to see Sue, his ex-girlfriend in KabulondaMpeke.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 13: "Love Hurdles"

ACCESS TO LAND, ACCESS TO FINANCES Isabella and Isaiah go out of their way to assert the future of the youth and the VSLA by leasing land from Crescent. Isaiah proposes to Isabella

VALUE ADDITION, NEW MARKETS, FARMING AS FAMILY BUSINESS, MATOOKE At a party organized by Crescent so he proposes to Jenny, the market women realize the business potential of adding value to their products. They launch their new initiative to supply value added products. This sees Alphonse and Joy celebrate the growth of their family business and working together.

MECHANIZATION Jenny accepts Crescent’s proposal for marriage. She leads the women into appreciating mechanization and farming under joint acreage after receiving land from Crescent in support of her efforts

Shamba Shape Up : Series 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 1: Seed Varieties, Maize Treatment, Maize

The Shape Up team visit George's shamba. We help him to choose the right seed variety to plant, using solar power & the correct was to use a urea treatment of maize stover and to plant maize.


Shamba Shape Up : Series 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 2: Arid Farming, Irrigation, Ploughing

We meet Joseph from Katumani. We learn what challenges he has while farming in an arid area & what he can do to improve his yield, including irrigation, ploughing & crop diversification.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 3: Tomatoes, Cow Care, Chickens

Meet Jeremiah Who inherited his grandfather's farm with all its problems. Jeremiah learns how to manage his tomatoes, dairy & poultry.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 4: Bad Breed

The community comes up with a Village Health Team (VHT) thanks to Crescent and Jenny. The VHT is meant to inform people about good health practices and ensure they are safe. Emphasis: Nutrition practices, Agricultural information and Family planning.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 7: Get rich

Aggrey is up to something while Crescent and team are busy with plans to educate farmers on Agricultural insurance. Get details on agricultural insurance.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 23: Together

Saba Saba rejects poor quality produce  from Dorotia, Joy & Agatha as directed by Confidence. There is a need for unity.

Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 4: Farm Life

The competition is starting to heat up as we are finally introduced to the three judges. It seems like some of the contestants are struggling to understand the business side of farming. Will their business ideas be good enough for the judges?

Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 5: Let The Planting Begin

Our farmers find out whether the judges approved their budgets and so they can begin research on where and how to get loans. They also receive seedlings from KHS  and products from Osho to help prepare their soil for planting.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - SSU 12 Intro Promo

Welcome to shamba shape up series 12!

We have travelled all over EastAfrica to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need. So they can adapt and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields. And increase their income. We will see how farmers can benefit from our experts advice. While also learning from each other. Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences, on the Shamba Shape Up safari.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 3: Kienyeji Chicken, Finance & Marketing, Beans and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in MÛkÛrwe’inî, Nyeri county. We’re visiting far manager Juliette and farm owner Karanja. Their main business is Bananas and Plantains but they have 600 Kienyeji chickens and a lot more besides this. 

Let’s go and meet them and learn more

In this Episode we are learning about:

  1. Chicken hygiene and feeds

  2. Financial planning and markets

  3. Treating your seeds for planting

  4. Planting Calliandra seedlings in a nursery and its benefits

Shamba Shape Up Season 13 - Intro Promo

Welcome to the 13th Year of Shamba Shape Up! We have travelled all over East Africa to find hard working farmers. We want to celebrate them while giving them the knowledge they need. So they can adapt, and make their farms more productive, even while the climate changes. We want to support them to get better yields and turn their farms into successful businesses. We meet families and enter their kitchens to explore how to cook in cleaner, faster, cheaper ways. We will see how farmers from across the region can benefit from our expert’s advice. While also learning from each other, in so many ways. Join us on these journeys and share in the farmers experiences as they shape up their shambas. On the Shamba Shape Up safari.  Shamba Shape Up is a Mediae Company