Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 12: The value added life

Isaiah's product does not impress Crescent for funding. He receives constructive criticism and collaborates with Maryann to improve their product.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 12: Bananas, Cow Feed, Chicken Health

We visit Robert and Joy at their shamba in Jinja, Uganda. Learn about pests and diseases in banana production, the proper feed for your cows to increase milk production and chicken health

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 9: Bananas, Maize Storage, Farm Transport

We are in Muranga County visiting Lucy and Stephen Kamau. We have a look at the problems facing their banana plantation and advise them on how to properly store their maize after harvest. We also introduce them to a truck that can solve their transport issues on the farm and deworm their dairy cows.