# Beans
Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 3: Intercropping, Maize, Beans, Goat &Cow Care, Solar Power

Bernard from Makueni has problems with his maize and bean crops, due to drought. He learns how to care for goats and cows correctly, while also understanding the importance of solar power.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 7: Certified Seeds, Sorghum, Beans & Livestock, Solar power

In this episode we meet Peter & Virginia in Nakuru to help shape up their shamba. We look at animal care, certified seeds, planting sorghum, rainwater harvesting and solar lighting.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 10: Climate Change

We look at drought resistant crops, water distribution, planting trees, Napier grass, solar lights, rainwater harvesting and energy saving jikos as we learn how to combat climate change.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 1: "New Dawn"

YOUTHS AND EMPLOYMENT Isaiah, the son of farmer Alphonse, has moved to the city to ride a boda-boda, however the drama of working in the city catches up with Isaiah when his bike is stolen and he gambles away his last coins before being forced by circumstances to return to Kabulondampeke.

IMPROVE FARMING, IRON RICH BEANS, MAIZE, INTER CROPPING Isabella who returns from Agriculture School to help out on her mother Esteri’s farm is determined to make a living farming. With the support of her mother and assistance from Gabriel, the handsome Agro-vet, she begins to slowly understand her new calling.

ACCESS TO FINANCE, STORAGE Aggrey, a local business man is hell bent on seeing the local farmer’s cooperative fail so that he promotes his new bulk store facility.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 9: Beans, OFSP, Chickens and Water Harvest

We are in Bungoma with Jackson and Zipporah looking at planting healthy beans, orange fleshed sweet potatoes, keeping poultry for the youth, d.light solar lamps and rainwater harvesting.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 13 Recap: OFSP, Chicken, Pest & Disease and Solar light

We go back to meet farmers from the series and see how they are doing since their shape up. We look at OFSP, chickens, beans and cabbages, d.light lamps and pests and diseases in tomatoes.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 4: MLND Maize, Chicken, beans, sunflowers and soil testing

We are visiting John's farm in Jinja, Uganda for the first episode of the new series. We look at maize disease MLND, planting, chickens, beans, sunflowers and soil testing.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 12 - Ep 3: Kienyeji Chicken, Finance & Marketing, Beans and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in MÛkÛrwe’inî, Nyeri county. We’re visiting far manager Juliette and farm owner Karanja. Their main business is Bananas and Plantains but they have 600 Kienyeji chickens and a lot more besides this. 

Let’s go and meet them and learn more

In this Episode we are learning about:

  1. Chicken hygiene and feeds

  2. Financial planning and markets

  3. Treating your seeds for planting

  4. Planting Calliandra seedlings in a nursery and its benefits

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 5(UG): Organic Farming, Maize & Beans, Soil testing and OFSP

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Namang’ang’a village, in Mukono. And we’re here to meet with Robert Ssebuyungu, the chairman of a group of 30 farmers called Balikyewunya. Robert and his wife Noeline have five children. They’re both hardworking farmers who grow maize, nakati, cassava and sweet potatoes on their two acres.

No surprises there! But wait… Robert and his group of farmers decided to go organic this year. Now that’s unusual!

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Organic Farming

     2. Maize and beans

     3. Nakati good farm management

     4. Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 13(UG): Coffee, Maize and Beans, Finances

Meet 30yrs. old Nabulya Florence and her husband Isaac Lwanga  and their children 

The couple recently moved to their 3 and half acres piece of land in Sserinya village, Bukomansibi District.

Before the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, Florence ran a successful tailoring business in town and her husband dealt in retail trade. 

Following the job losses and closure of their small businesses, the couple returned to agriculture t activities to manage and survive the crisis

Let’s go and assist them.

We learn about:

    1) Coffee Plantation

    2) How to plant and the best varieties for maize and beans.

    3) Finances: To seasonal crops which will help them boost their income

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 19(UG): Coffee, Maize Push & Pull, Banana and Beans

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Katuba village in Iganga and we’re visiting Stephen Kakuma, a farmer and a trainer of good agronomic practices for coffee.

Stephen Kakuma is 46 years old and father of 10 children. He says he “needs” more. He has 7 acres of land on which he grows coffee (4 acres), bananas (1 acre) and maize (2 acres). He wants to increase his coffee to 7 acres so that he can go commercial. Last season he harvested about 1600kgs. Stephen has been trained by Café Africa and A2N and he is a trainer himself. But he still has challenges, especially with the black coffee twig borer. Although he knows what he has to do, the pest keeps coming back from his neighbours’ plantations. He talks to them but improvement is very slow. He also has an unknown pest that is affecting the bottom of the tree in the rainy season.

Wants to focus more on goats rather than dairy

The other challenges on his farm include the banana bacterial wilt and FAW on the maize.

He has 1 cow and three goats, but he wants to focus more on goats rather than dairy because they’re easier to keep. 

In this farm we learn about:

    1) Coffee: Pest and diseases plus raising awareness

    2) Maize Fall Army Worm Push and Pull

    3) Matoke management: Banana bacterial wilt

    4) Iron rich bean varieties