Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 16: IR Maize, Biogas, Diversification, Chickens & Solar lights

A busy episode ahead at Elizabeth's shamba in Nyanza. We learn about IR maize, why diversification is important, chickens, using biogas and d.Light solar lamps.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 8: Mangoes, Oranges, Home Biogas

We are in Muranga county visiting Patrick Kitheka who is an expert mango farmer. We learn about value addition in mangoes and how to properly harvest and transport them. We also deal with pests and diseases in oranges and introduce him to a home biogas system.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 16: Fish Farming, Certified Seeds, Home Biogas

We are in Kiambu County visiting farmer Michael Ndiba. We first do  a soil test then look into improving his maize yield by using certified seeds, proper farm management methods and post harvest storage. We also advise him on how to correctly start a fish farm, introduce him to a convenient new biogas system and a vehicle to help out their farmers group with their transport needs.