# Chicken Vaccines
Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 11: Tree Planting, Tomato , Jiko, Chicken and Solar power

We go to Martin & Beatrice's farm in Kisumu to learn about tree planting, looking after chickens and antibiotics, planting tomatoes, seed selections, energy saving jiko and solar lights.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 13 (Revisits): Rice, Bee Keeping and Chicken Management

This season's finale Shamba Shape Up revisits past farms to see how the farmers are doing. We look at bees, chickens, antibiotics in animals and growing rice.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 4: OFSP, Kienyeji Chickens, Vegetables and Capsicum Nursery

We visit Beatrice and Nicodemus in Nyeri to learn more about OFSP, keeping Kienjeyi & KARI chickens (housing & vaccines), planting veg (sukuma, spinach & capsicums) and the STRIDE programme.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 12: Bananas, Cow Feed, Chicken Health

We visit Robert and Joy at their shamba in Jinja, Uganda. Learn about pests and diseases in banana production, the proper feed for your cows to increase milk production and chicken health

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 13: Fodder, Chicken vaccination, Soil test, Resistant crops

We visit Pamela And Joseph in Homa Bay county. Learn about growing fodder crops and their advantages, vaccinating chicken, soil testing and drought resistant crops. 

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 4: Cattle, Chicken, Maize Varieties

We are in Kajiado county at Mr And Mrs Penori's Shamba. We look at how to get good prices for cattle at the market, vaccinate their chicken and learn about seed varieties.

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1- Ep 7(UG): Weeding, Coffee, Chicken hygiene and Dairy Fertility

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kakunyu village, Kalungu district, MASAKA and we’re visiting farmer Francis Ssemakula.

At 79 years old, Francis Ssemakula, is a treasure trove of the history of Villa Maria, Masaka. Francis has been a farmer for over 50 years, even though he has studied political science, project management and community development, in Europe, in the late 1960s. 

He has a 10-acre farm and has given an additional 6 acres to his son Innocent, who’s also a school teacher. But Innocent wants to listen in and learn from our experts. 

They both grow coffee, bananas, maize also has a cow and chicken, but he has some challenges

In this farm we are learning about:

    1. Getting rid of weeds in a coffee plantation

     2. Chicken house hygiene

     3. Chicken Vaccination

     4. Dairy Fertility

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Maintaining Healthy Chickens

Treating your chickens with antibiotics and preventing parasitic infection. S01Ep05