# Coffee
Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 2: Coffee, Chickens, Bee Keeping, Jiko, Soil erosion

Lucy and James' Farm in Kabatini Nakuru. Coffee planting, bee keeping, chickens, jikos and soil erosion.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 13 (Revisits): Rice, Bee Keeping and Chicken Management

This season's finale Shamba Shape Up revisits past farms to see how the farmers are doing. We look at bees, chickens, antibiotics in animals and growing rice.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 7: "Together As One"

FAKE CHEMICALS Isaiah in a bid to make up for his mistakes to Isabella makes things worse by using fake weed killer destroying some of her crop. He learns that quick fixes are never the way out.

GOOD PRACTISES VIA COFFEE, WORKING TOGETHER AS COUPLES, JOINT ACCOUNTS, SAVING The women are determined to make the men listen and agree on working together as partners in- order to improve on their lively hoods by saving together and making important decisions.

PROPER MANAGMENT OF CO-OPS Aggrey gets suspended from the Co-operative for duping one of the members selling him poor quality coffee berries knowingly, and not sharing important knowledge on coffee as a member.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 6: "Coffee Bail"

NUTRITION Having recently attained a small part of a coffee plantation as pay from Aggrey, Shaka sets out to seek membership at the cooperative. His efforts take him to Agatha, where Dorotia stumbles on them. In his attempt to prove that nothing suspicious is going on between them, Shaka finds himself in a hospital where he attends a very uncomfortable lecture among pregnant women and mothers about good feeding and nutrition.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 1: Coffee Fertiliser, Record Keeping, Kienyeji Chicken

We are in Kiambu County visiting David and Hanna Muniu. They are serious Coffee farmers. We help them improve their record keeping, have a look at their Kienyeji Chicken, do a soil test and introduce them to a good coffee fertiliser. We also have a look at the importance of soil conservation.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 7: Kienyeji Chicken, Dairy Cows, Coffee and Record keeping

We are in Kirinyaga County at Henry and Lydia Githinji's Shamba. We show them how to properly feed kienyeji chicken and how to identify and prevent mastitis in dairy cows. We also introduce them to crop specific fertilisers and tell them about the importance of record keeping.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 4: Coffee, Potatoes, Dairy Hygiene

We are in Embu county visiting Sicily and Njeru. We introduce them to crop specific fertilisers for coffee and herbicides to help save them money when weeding. We also inform them about the importance of using certified seeds and how to maintain proper dairy hygiene.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 3: Forage production, Soil Test, Push-Pull & Avocado

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Meru County and we are visiting an expert farmer called Rachel.

She runs a training course for farmers around her area. Can she teach us a thing or two? who’s going to be teacher on this episode?

We learn about:

Forage production (Bracharia):

➢ How to get more forage plants without having to buy the seeds or the seedlings by making and planting bracharia splints.

➢ mportance of planting bracharia as forage for your livestock.

Soil testing

➢ We help Rachel with her coffee plantation, which is yellowing by doing a soil test in the farm.

➢ Importance of doing a soil test in your farm.

Push-Pull method

➢ How to get rid of pests in vegetables by using the Push-Pull method.

Avocado Irrigation

➢ We get advice on when and how to irrigate an avocado tree.

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 2(UG): Soil test, Pest & Diseases, Coffee, Bananas and OFSP

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Bulika village in Mukono and we’re visiting farmer Olivia Kiwombeeka. A very hard-working lady and mother to 14 children. She has a 4-acre farm where she grows coffee, bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, beans! And don’t forget the cows, the pigs, the goats, the chicken, the pigeons!!!

Where does she find the energy???

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Soil fertility and manure drying and soil testing

     2. Pests and diseases control in Coffee plantation

     3. Bananas: Good farming practices

     4. Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 4(UG): Coffee, Soil testing, Cow nutrition and Bananas

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Lutego village, in Mukono and we’re here to meet with a very hard-working farmer, Daoudi Lugasa and his wife Nanfuka. 

Yes but, Nanfuka does have a shop, which got me all confused! In fact, Daoudi is the proud owner of 6 acres of land, where he grows mainly coffee and bananas, and maize and avocados he’s got cows and chicken.

Yes, but half of his land is allocated to coffee!

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Coffee: Good farming practices and pests and diseases control

     2. Soil testing

     3. Cow nutrition

     4. Bananas good farming practices

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 6(UG): Coffee, OFSP, Financial Literacy and Kitchen garden

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirumba Village, Lwengo District and we’re visiting farmer Mourice Mujuni and his wife Nakavuma

Working hard together the grow a variety of crops and keep livestock but their main income comes from their coffee.

They were both teachers at a local school but after teaching for 16 years Mourice decided to quit his teaching job and concentrate on their farming activities.

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. How to improve Coffee yield through Stumping

     2. Boosting family nutrition through OFSP

     3. Financial literacy

     4. Setting up a kitchen garden

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1- Ep 7(UG): Weeding, Coffee, Chicken hygiene and Dairy Fertility

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kakunyu village, Kalungu district, MASAKA and we’re visiting farmer Francis Ssemakula.

At 79 years old, Francis Ssemakula, is a treasure trove of the history of Villa Maria, Masaka. Francis has been a farmer for over 50 years, even though he has studied political science, project management and community development, in Europe, in the late 1960s. 

He has a 10-acre farm and has given an additional 6 acres to his son Innocent, who’s also a school teacher. But Innocent wants to listen in and learn from our experts. 

They both grow coffee, bananas, maize also has a cow and chicken, but he has some challenges

In this farm we are learning about:

    1. Getting rid of weeds in a coffee plantation

     2. Chicken house hygiene

     3. Chicken Vaccination

     4. Dairy Fertility

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1- Ep 8(UG): Pigs, Coffee, Passion Fruit and Financial Literacy

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Bukalasa village in Masaka and today our farmers are Juliet Nakalemba and her brother Stephen Kiseka Naboke. 

Juliet is a writer and a secretary and Stephen used to work in electronics until covid struck. The family has 6 acres of land and their father has given them four acres for their projects

Farming is in the blood of the siblings, but now they want to go commercial. They have planted 1000 coffee trees togetherJuliet wants to start a piggery and Stephen is passionate about passion fruit and has two plantations.

Juliet finances the project and Stephen manages the farm, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. How to manage Young Coffee plantation

     2. How to protect pigs from swine fever

     3. Passion fruit farming

     4. Basics of bookkeeping

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 9(UG): Maize, Push & pull, Bananas, Cattle and Coffee

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirumba village in Masaka and we’re visiting farmers Joseph Asimwe and Stephen Begumisa, very successful farmers.

Joseph used to be an accountant, but at retirement he became a full-time farmer. 

And he takes farming very seriously! He started off with 6 acres and now owns 89 acres of land and he’s still counting. Farming is a business for him!

Joseph grows coffee of course and it’s his main livelihood, he also grows bananas & beans, has planted trees, pasture for his 30 heads of cattle, 20 acres of maize which can bring him up to 50 tons in a good season

That’s when his maize is not attacked by a dreaded pest…

So, let’s first take a look at that!

In this farm we learn about: 

    1) Maize: Push and pull against Fall Army Worm

    2) Bananas: pest and diseases

    3) Spraying and deworming cattle

    4) Coffee – Pest and diseases

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 10(UG): In calf cow and hygiene, Coffee, Bananas, Goats

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Bugana village in Masaka and we’re visiting farmer Immaculate Nalubujje

Clearly a very hard-working farmer, since she’s even constructing a new house from the proceeds of her garden and she only started commercial farming ten years ago!

Immaculate has 4 acres of land, she has intercropped coffee and banana on 3.5 acres, has 5 goats but wants many more and a cow that’s going to give birth in two months.

But does she have any challenges?

Let’s find out

In this farm we learn about:

    1) Management of in calf cow and hygiene

    2) Management of coffee

    3) Bananas management for more production

    4) Goats’ supplementation and deworming

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 11(UG):Chicken management, Coffee management & Brazil spacing

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Kasaana village in Masaka and we’re visiting a very hard-working farmer, Mike Ssemaganda and his family, on his 20-acre farm. 

Mike has 13 children and only stopped having more when his 3-year-old twins were born. He doesn’t believe in small scale, neither with family nor with farm!

Apart from his 20 acres, our farmer has bought 80 acres of land 54kms away from his homestead, because where he lives, he can’t find such big stretches of land anymore.

We told you this farmer doesn’t believe in small scale! 

But we’re going to concentrate on this farm here, where he has two coffee plantations and 1700 chickens… 500 layers and 1200 chicks! And I’m sure he has challenges, so we’re going to look into that.

Let’s go and learn:

     1. Chicken:

           i. Housing, hygiene, spraying 

           ii. Feeding, vaccination, prevention of diseases

     2. Coffee:

           i. Old plantation management

           ii. Brazilian spacing advantages and disadvantages

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 12(UG): Coffee plantation, Cow Pasture, Pest and diseases

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Meet 50 yrs. old Benon, he originally from bushenyi area and moved to this area in the early 1990’s. He’s been farming for the last 20 years 

Working hard he grows a variety of crops and keep livestock - but this main income comes from coffee

Benon also has some challenges with his cattle

Let’s go and learn more:

    1) Coffee Plantation management

    2) Pasture: Animal production

    3) Coffee: Pest and diseases

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 13(UG): Coffee, Maize and Beans, Finances

Meet 30yrs. old Nabulya Florence and her husband Isaac Lwanga  and their children 

The couple recently moved to their 3 and half acres piece of land in Sserinya village, Bukomansibi District.

Before the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, Florence ran a successful tailoring business in town and her husband dealt in retail trade. 

Following the job losses and closure of their small businesses, the couple returned to agriculture t activities to manage and survive the crisis

Let’s go and assist them.

We learn about:

    1) Coffee Plantation

    2) How to plant and the best varieties for maize and beans.

    3) Finances: To seasonal crops which will help them boost their income

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 14(UG): Coffee, Maize, Push & pull and Passion fruits

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Walukoto village in Mayuge and we’re visiting Hussein Buyiima and his family on their farm. This is a very close-knit family!

At 54 years of age, Hussein is the proud owner of 11 acres. In addition, he also takes care of his father’s 8-acre farm.

Hussein grows many crops: coffee, cocoa, passion fruits, maize, beans and cassava tomatoes, green pepper and avocados.

His wife Hajira is exclusively in charge of the cassava and beans. The rest is on Hussein, but the crops that he really likes are coffee and passion fruit and maize is of course a must for food security, so we’ll focus on these three crops!

In this farm we are learning about:

    1) Coffee harvest + checking market prices on app.  

    2) Maize varieties

    3) Maize push and pull method against fall armyworm

    4) Passion fruit: Pests and diseases

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 17(UG): Mango, Market, Coffee and Dairy

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we are traveling to Busoga region in Kamuli district. We meet 65yrs. old farmer Kato Johnson Tibatia a retired but not tired veterinary Doctor who lives in Bukaya Village BUGEYWA PARISH.

Kato and his wife Bwza Margaret have a lot of activities going on their 30 acres farm, they have coffee, they keep livestock, and have an orchard of mangoes that sits on 11 acres.  

Let’s see how we can assist them.

On this farm we learn about:

     1) Mangoes: 

          • Fruit Flies and management 

          • Pricing and Market 

      2) Coffee: Post Harvest Management and UCDA Pricing

      3) Dairy: Improvement of breed and management

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 19(UG): Coffee, Maize Push & Pull, Banana and Beans

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Katuba village in Iganga and we’re visiting Stephen Kakuma, a farmer and a trainer of good agronomic practices for coffee.

Stephen Kakuma is 46 years old and father of 10 children. He says he “needs” more. He has 7 acres of land on which he grows coffee (4 acres), bananas (1 acre) and maize (2 acres). He wants to increase his coffee to 7 acres so that he can go commercial. Last season he harvested about 1600kgs. Stephen has been trained by Café Africa and A2N and he is a trainer himself. But he still has challenges, especially with the black coffee twig borer. Although he knows what he has to do, the pest keeps coming back from his neighbours’ plantations. He talks to them but improvement is very slow. He also has an unknown pest that is affecting the bottom of the tree in the rainy season.

Wants to focus more on goats rather than dairy

The other challenges on his farm include the banana bacterial wilt and FAW on the maize.

He has 1 cow and three goats, but he wants to focus more on goats rather than dairy because they’re easier to keep. 

In this farm we learn about:

    1) Coffee: Pest and diseases plus raising awareness

    2) Maize Fall Army Worm Push and Pull

    3) Matoke management: Banana bacterial wilt

    4) Iron rich bean varieties

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 22(UG): Coffee and Banana management, Maize and Sukuma Wiki

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Kawete village in Iganga and we’re visiting Our lively farmer Paul Igulo, who is 71 years old, but he can give youngsters a run for their money when it comes to energy.  Paul has always been a farmer; it was practically decided for him from birth!

We’re here to shape up his 20-acre farm. Where he grows anything that you can plant: Coffee, maize, Cocoa, vanilla, g/nuts, bananas, cabbage, green pepper, Sukuma, eggplant, pawpaw, oranges, avocado you name it. 

In this farm we will focus on the following Item:

    1) Coffee: management (weeds, stumps)

    2) Bananas: new varieties

    3) Maize: new varieties and weeds

    4) Sukuma wiki (varieties, management)