# Compost
Shamba Shape Up : Series 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 12: Chemicals, Making Compost, Fruit Farming and Financial literacy

We learn to tell the difference between genuine and fake chemicals, important minerals for cows, running a profitable farm, making compost, fruits and much more.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 12: Trees, Push & Pull, Hay, Making Compost, Chillies & Sorghum

SSU Special looks at the problems caused by climate change. We look at a weather research centre, planting trees, making a compost heap, zero grazing pens, water harvesting & push-pull.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 2: We are back

Alphonse and Trinity identify exciting opportunities in agriculture as Shaka and Mandevu take responsibility for their domestic violence behaviour when the Mpeke Town community raises a voice against it. Emphasis: Compost manure, Produce value and Domestic violence.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 22:Soil test, Panicum grass, Compost, minimum tillage, Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Kakamega, visiting farmer James and Nancy Titiya

We are learning about:

1) Soil testing

2) Planting panicum grass in a nursery

3) Building a compost structure for your farm

4) Minimum tillage for maize

5) Insuring your crop