Drip Irrigation
Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 2: Water & Seed

The farmers are introduced to the benefits of certified seeds and get help deciding what commodities to grow from the lists they made. They also learn why they should invest in a drip irrigation system.

Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 12: Issah & Winrose

In this episode we catch up with Issah and Winrose to find out what they are planning to plant in their second and final harvest. This is their final chance to make more profit and win the competition. We also have some surprises in store for them.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 13:Solar power irrigation system, Dairy farming & value addition

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Githiga in Ndumberi division, Kiambu County. We are visiting farmer George Kairu.

This week we learn about:

1) Solar power irrigation system maintenance

2) Dairy farming (Production and breeding)

3) Value addition

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 10: Dairy Hygiene & Nutrition, Food nutrition & Irrigation

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

So, you’ll be surprised to know today we’re not even visiting a farm. No, we’re visiting a school! today we’re more interested in supporting the governments 4K club initiative or Young Farmers Association? 

To help students learn about agriculture.Farming is the future, and these children know it. So, let’s see how we can help and maybe we’ll learn a little something too.

Let’s go!!

Today we are learning about:

     1. Managing your Dairy cows

     2. Good nutrition for adolescent girls

     3. Drip irrigation

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Drip Irrigation

Joseph & his Friends visit Katumani Research Centre where they learn what crop variations they need to plant because they are farming in an arid area. They also learn about the drip irrigation method

Partner's Clips - Water management_Drip Irrigation

How to install a drip irrigation system on your farm