East Coast Fever
Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 6: Conservation Agriculture, East Coast Fever, Loans

We are in Kampi Ya Moto, Nakuru county at Elizabeth and Ezekiel Kapkei's Shamba. We introduce them to Conservation Agriculture, vaccinate their cows against East Coast Fever, show them how to properly manage their sheep and advice them on taking loan

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 16: East Coast Fever, Layers, Farmer Groups

We are in Mbale, Uganda at Robert's farm. We vaccinate his cows against East Coast Fever, advice him on the right feed to increase his cows milk production and have a look at his layer chicken. We also tell him about the benefits of being in a farmer group.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 19: Rice, East Coast Fever, Newcastle Disease

We are back in Arusha, Tanzania to lend our help to Ndetaniswa once more. We examine her rice fields and show her how to control rice blast so as to improve her harvest. We also vaccinate her chickens against Newcastle Disease, advise her on how to increase her dairy milk production and vaccinate her cows against East Coast Fever.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 24: Cows, Soil Testing, Supplements and Post- harvest storage

We are in Kisii County on Hellen and Fredrick's shamba. We have a look at their dairy cows and calf, vaccinate them against East Coast Fever. We also show them the benefits of doing a soil test and how to properly store their produce after harvest.