Farm Transport
Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 10: Soil Test, Silage Making, Farm Transport and Tomatoes

We are in Nakuru County at Kenneth and Rebecca Chemgoren. We have a look at how to properly feed dairy cows to increase milk yield, pests and diseases in tomatoes and do a soil test. We also introduce them to the Mitsubishi Fuso for efficient transport on the farm.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 15: Potatoes, Farm Transport, Calf Milk Replacer and Dairy cows

We are in Meru County on the foothills of Mount Kenya at Moses and Hellen's Shamba. We have a look at how to properly manage their dairy cows and introduce them to a milk replacer for their calves. We also look into the challenges they are facing in their potato farming and look into a way to make transport in the farm easier.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 22: Carrots, Calf Care, Farm Transport and Energy Saving Jiko

We are in Elburgon, Nakuru County visiting Samuel and Priscillah. We look at how to improve their carrot production and how to make sure their calves grow and come on heat early. We also introduce them to an energy saving jiko to help save money in the kitchen and look at a way to improve transport on the shamba .

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 15: Post-Harvest Storage, Dairy Cows, Farm Transport

We are in Njoro, Nakuru County visiting Mr and Mrs Riungu. We learn how to feed dairy cows in different stages of production in order to get maximum milk yield and how to properly store maize after harvest. We also do a soil test and inform them about the benefits of having a pickup for farm transport.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 16: Fish Farming, Certified Seeds, Home Biogas

We are in Kiambu County visiting farmer Michael Ndiba. We first do  a soil test then look into improving his maize yield by using certified seeds, proper farm management methods and post harvest storage. We also advise him on how to correctly start a fish farm, introduce him to a convenient new biogas system and a vehicle to help out their farmers group with their transport needs.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 17: Beef Cattle, Farm Transport, Lion Lights

We are in Kajiado County visiting Bernard and Jemima. We look at how to improve profits in their beef cattle business, and inform them on the benefits of having a truck to help transport the cattle to market. We also do a soil test and introduce them to Lion Lights that help keep their livestock safe from Lions.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 1: Dairy Cows, Capsicum, Farm Transport

We are in Limuru for a new season of Shamba Shape Up visiting John Chege Kubai and his family. We look at how to properly manage dairy cows and the importance of deworming calves. We also address the problems facing the capsicum in their greenhouses and introduce them to an alternative mode of transport.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 2: Mangoes, Avocados, Dairy Cows

We are in Muranga County visiting Fredrick Njuguna. We look at how climate change is affecting farmers, learn how to properly take care of pests and diseases in mangoes and avocados and a better form of transport to get farm produce to the market. We also look at how to properly feed dairy cows to increase milk yield.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 6: Carrots, Cabbages, Peas and Dairy Cows

We are in Molo Nakuru county visiting the Kamau family. We look at how to take care of pests and diseases in their carrots and cabbages and how to improve their peas for export. We also advise them on the benefits of supplements for their dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 7: Mangoes, Tomatoes, Farm Transport

We are in Karurumo Embu county visiting Alvan and Purity Njeru and their sons Louis and  Dennis. We learn how to properly manage mango pests and diseases in order to increase yield and inform them about the benefits of owning a truck for farm transport. We also have a look at the problems facing their greenhouse tomatoes and dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 9: Bananas, Maize Storage, Farm Transport

We are in Muranga County visiting Lucy and Stephen Kamau. We have a look at the problems facing their banana plantation and advise them on how to properly store their maize after harvest. We also introduce them to a truck that can solve their transport issues on the farm and deworm their dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 12: Conservation Agriculture, Maize Storage, Farm Transport

We are in Sirende, Bungoma County visiting Vincent Okumu and his family. We get to learn more about Conservation Agriculture and how to adapt to climate change. We also look at how to properly store maize after storage and introduce him to a convenient mode of farm transport.