Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - hamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 3: Avocados, Conservation Agriculture, Dairy Cows

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary. 

We are in Meru County visiting Douglas and Frederick on their 28 acre farm. We get advice on the best way to plant avocado seedlings for maximum yield, the easiest way to introduce conservation agriculture and some quick tips on how to increase dairy milk production. We also learn how to fight back against the fall armyworm.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 4: OFSP, Fall Armyworm, Conservation Agriculture

We are in Makueni County visiting Elisabeth who has been farming for 30 years. We learn the benefits of growing Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes, their nutritional benefits and value addition. We also look at the importance of crop rotation when practicing Conservation Agriculture and how to control the Fall Armyworm using the Push Pull Technology.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 5: OFSP, FAll Armyworm , Weeds Control & Safe Use of Herbicides

We are in Yatta in the Machakos County visiting Victoria who has been farming for 7 Years.

We learn about the best practices for growing Orange fleshed sweet potatoes successfully. We also discover how push-pull technology is fighting back against Fall Armyworm and about weeds control and safe use of herbicides after planting.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 10: Conservation Agriculture, Avocado, Dairy Cows, FallArmy

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary.

This week we are in the highlands of Meru county, visiting Joseph and Duncan (Grandfather and Grandson).

We get to learn about conservation agriculture in highlands, Management of avocado trees.

We also learn about how to take care and improve cows that are in-calf  and how to fight FallArmy Worm by using Push-Pull technology.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 6: Mango Markets, Financing , FAW control & Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Machakos County, we’re visiting farmers Rose and Grace, who share more than just blood, they are best friends and they have invested in agribusiness together; apart from farming these two ladies help each other run a pharmacy and clinic, so we’ve come to where farming and pharmacy is done for healthy living…

Let’s go find out how the two sisters are balancing family, farming and pharmacy…

This week we are learning about;

      1. Mangoes-Markets

      2. Financing chicken feed

      3. FAW control

      4. Maize Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Season 13 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 13 - Ep 4: EPC, Minimum Tillage, Dairy Breeding & Fall Army Worm

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up. This week we’re in Limuru! Back visiting George Kairu who’s shamba we shaped up a year ago. He has really improved his dairy heard from our last visit and has boosted his milk production from 5 Liters to 100 Litres a day. Let’s see how we can help him on this episode with: 1. How to breed you dairy cows. 2. How to till your land using minimum tillage. 3. How to control fall army worm. 4. Cooking with the electric pressure cook as a young bachelor.