# Green House
Shamba Shape Up : Series 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 8: Tomatoes, Irrigation, Maize

This episode looks at growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, water irrigation, treating maize before storing, solar power and insuring cattle.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 7: Maize, Tomatoes, French Beans and Green House

We are in Meru county at Stephen and Agnes' shamba. We do a soil test to find out the health of their soil, show them how to deal with greenhouse pests and how to reduce post harvest losses. We also try to get them back into french bean farming.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 10: Conservation Agriculture, Mangoes, Greenhouses

We are on a whistle stop tour of three shambas. We want to find if our farmers have been following our experts advice.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 22: Green house, Solar Power, Chickpea Nutrition

We are in Tharaka-Nthi County visiting Jeremiah and Mercy. We show them how to manage their greenhouse, run a business safely at night, make nutritious meals using chick peas, and how to keep local chickens.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 19: Tomatoes, Kienyeji Chicken, Dairy Cows

We are in Kiambu county visiting Michael and Pauline Murito. We have a look at the pests and diseases affecting his greenhouse tomatoes and learn about a new targeted feeding system for kienyeji birds. We also learn about the importance of hygiene in keeping dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 1: Dairy Cows, Capsicum, Farm Transport

We are in Limuru for a new season of Shamba Shape Up visiting John Chege Kubai and his family. We look at how to properly manage dairy cows and the importance of deworming calves. We also address the problems facing the capsicum in their greenhouses and introduce them to an alternative mode of transport.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 7: Mangoes, Tomatoes, Farm Transport

We are in Karurumo Embu county visiting Alvan and Purity Njeru and their sons Louis and  Dennis. We learn how to properly manage mango pests and diseases in order to increase yield and inform them about the benefits of owning a truck for farm transport. We also have a look at the problems facing their greenhouse tomatoes and dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 2: GreenHouse, Soil, Intercropping and Cookstove

We have decided to take you back to some of the old shambas that Tony and Naomi visited to demonstrate simple ways that you can learn to adapt to climate change.