# Harvesting
Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 10: "Every Dog Has His Day"

HARVESTING, DRYING, SHELLING, STORAGE Isabella and the VSLA youth launch their initiative to work together as they harvest, dry, store, save to buy a shelling machine for their maize and also look for good market prices.

USE OF TRACTORS (MECHANIZATION), VALUE ADDITION, BEST MARKET Aggrey tries to convince Jenny to see things from his perspective about farmers using the tractor to improve on their lives he doesn’t know what she has in store for him.

FARMING AS A FAMILY BUSINESS, STORAGE, DRYING The Ssebyuuma’s democratically decide on who is going to run the family business.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 20: harvest & Post-Harvest losses, Maize, M-kopa & EPC

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary.

We are in kibwezi visiting Anna and Jons Ngei farm.

We learn how to avoid food losses at the harvest and post-Harvest stage and key technologies in handling maize.

Benefits of joining a fully digitalised revolution of farming by getting a smart phone to help you in farming

Introduce you to digital cooking using Electric Pressure Cooker.