Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 1:Cow Nutrition and management, Nutrition, finance, Maize and Herbicide

Welcome to the brand-new series of Shamba Shape Up series 12

On our first episode, we are in Nakuru County. 

We are visiting farmer Kate Gatwiri Gotonga, a young lady just starting out in farming, but although she’s young in years, she already has a lot of responsibilities. She manages her sister in laws farm While she also has a farm of her own So, we want to see how we can help her and help turn this young lady into an old hand, at farming!

We are learning about:

1. How to Finance and Plant maize

2. Nutrition for your kids 

3. Nutrition and general management for your Dairy cows

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 3: Fish Feed, Herbicides, Solar System

We are in Bungoma county home of the Nabuyole Falls visiting Justus. We introduce him to certified seeds to increase his yield and herbicides to help reduce his labour cost when weeding. We also bring him a feeding solution for his fish and instal a solar home system.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 5: OFSP, FAll Armyworm , Weeds Control & Safe Use of Herbicides

We are in Yatta in the Machakos County visiting Victoria who has been farming for 7 Years.

We learn about the best practices for growing Orange fleshed sweet potatoes successfully. We also discover how push-pull technology is fighting back against Fall Armyworm and about weeds control and safe use of herbicides after planting.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 12 - Ep 1: Cow Nutrition & management, Nutrition, Finance, Maize &Herbicide

Welcome to the brand-new series of Shamba Shape Up series 12

On our first episode, we are in Nakuru County. 

We are visiting farmer Kate Gatwiri Gotonga, a young lady just starting out in farming, but although she’s young in years, she already has a lot of responsibilities. She manages her sister in laws farm While she also has a farm of her own So, we want to see how we can help her and help turn this young lady into an old hand, at farming!

We are learning about:

1. How to Finance and Plant maize

2. Nutrition for your kids 

3. Nutrition and general management for your Dairy cows