Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 7: Get rich

Aggrey is up to something while Crescent and team are busy with plans to educate farmers on Agricultural insurance. Get details on agricultural insurance.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 8: Crop Rotation, Certified Seeds, Insurance

We are in Narok coounty at Charles Kuraru's Shamba.We learn about crop rotation which brings about biological tillage for a better yield, introduce him to a new maize variety and advice him on how to choose a proper insurance cover. We also install some solar lights at a nearby school.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 5: Mangoes, Insurance, Energy Saving Jiko

We are in Kithoni village Makueni county visiting Frederick and Elizabeth Ikulume. We have a look at the pests and diseases affecting their mangoes and how to increase profits by reducing wastage of mangoes using a pulping machine. We also introduce them to the benefits of having insurance and using an energy saving jiko.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 8: Tree Tomatoes, Insurance, Spinach

We are in Kinangop, Nyandarua County visiting David Mugwanja. We look at the problems facing his tree tomato production and inform him about the benefits of having insurance on the farm. We also learn about the benefits of supplements for dairy cows and how to deal with the pests and diseases affecting his spinach.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 11: Green Maize, Agricultural Insurance, Bag Gardens

We are in Ndeiya Kiambu County visiting Moses Njiriri and his family. We learn about the advantages and disadvantages of targeting the green maize market and the benefits of having agricultural insurance. We also look at how to prevent soil erosion and building bag gardens.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 13: Conservation Agriculture, Maize Storage, Insurance

We are in Mbooni, Makueni County visiting Justus Kimeu who is very experienced in Conservation Agriculture. We find out how to conserve water and how to maintain healthy soil. We also give his maize store a makeover and look at how agricultural insurance is changing lives.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 17: Mangoes, Agricultural Insurance

This episode is dedicated to mangoes, how to manage them, market them and not forgetting value addition. We also look at how insurance can benefit farmers.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 6: Trees, Dairy Cows, Pressure Cooker and Insurance

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary.

We are in Bungoma county, visiting Harrison and Kennedy two brothers managing the farms for their parents Daniel Lusaka and Amelia Naima.

We learn how to manage trees and look after your cows (dairy).

We also find out about cooking without wood or charcoal also what to do when major disaster strikes.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 9: OFSP, Dairy Cows, Trees and Insurance

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary. This week we are in Bungoma visiting Bishop Nelson. We get to learn about harvesting method of Orange Fleshed Sweet potatoes so as to fetch better market prices, How to improve and choose best breed for milk production for your dairy cows. We also learn about how to plant and choose the right trees for your area and also learn about how to insure your farm.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 11: OFSP, Cookstove, Cow management, Insurance

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary.

This week we are in Homabay County, visiting Michael and Benta Odada (Husband and wife)

We get to learn the best way to handle harvested Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes, about the LPG Cookstove.

We also get Top tips for managing cows and also what to do when disaster strike by getting agricultural insurance.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 16: OFSP, Insurance, Post-Harvest and Dairy Cows

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary. 

We are in Homabay County, before visiting the farm we head to Jugs Bakery, they bake the best breads and cakes in Homabay County.

We learn how to bake using mashed Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes also know as Puree and the importance of baking with it.

This week we visit farmer Samuel Omoro with a farm stretching 8 acres.


We get advice on how to avoid and insure our farm and livestock if any  major disaster strikes e.g. Drought, Flood or if any  death of livestock. 


 We get advice about post-Harvest losses, what causes them and how applying food quality and safety standards help reduce waste while increasing farmers profit.


We get advice on looking after dairy cows on one of the main challenges farmers experience that is internal and external parasites.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 23: Potatoes,OFSP, Record Keeping ,Insurance

he last few weeks has not been easy  with the desert locust destroying crops and you farmers unable to reach the market on time because of Covid19.

We want to give you a boost into the planting season :

Looking how to plant Irish potatoes and how to keep records and organize your farm finances in this critical times.

How corona virus has affected farmers and what to do about it.

We are going to take a look at the past years of shamba shape up and see what we can learn.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 2: Soil Test, Rain harvesting, Avocado, Brachiaria & Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape up series 11.

This week we are in Meru county, visiting farmers Alfred and Margaret Muthomi and their son John Paul.

They are building up and wants to give back back both as the same time.

They ran a farm and a children's home and they want to increase their yields for the next season with the children's needs in mind.

We are doing two good deeds at the price of one. 

In this farm we learn:

➢The importance of soil-testing.

➢The importance of harvesting rain water and how to set-up the rain water harvesting system.

➢How a certified nursery provides seedlings (Avocado) free from diseases and how it is done.

↝↝Also the importance of buying a certified seeds and good farming practices of planting it.

➢How to increase your milk yield by practising good management of your brachiaria grass and how to preserve the grass by making hay bales for use in dry season.

➢How to protect your crops and livestock from disaster in a cheaper way.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 5: Soil Testing, Potatoes, Insurance, Silage, Napier & Avocado

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Meru County. We are visiting farmer Joseph and Josephine Kimathi.

We get to learn about:

• Doing Soil test on a potato field 

• Benefits of Crop Insurance 

• What to do to stop Napier smut disease from spreading. 

• How improving cow fodder can increase milk yield 

• Making Silage 

• How to manage our Avocado tree for better yields.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 9: Forages, Crop Insurance, Dairy Hygiene and EPC

Welcome To shamba shape up

This week we’re in Isongo, Kakamega, visiting musician and farmer Disterio Nabwayo & Family, Kakamega.

This week we learn about:

1. Growing Forages on Slopes

2. Insurance claims or Myths

3. Cooking with Electric Pressure Cooker

4. Dairy Hygiene

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 22:Soil test, Panicum grass, Compost, minimum tillage, Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Kakamega, visiting farmer James and Nancy Titiya

We are learning about:

1) Soil testing

2) Planting panicum grass in a nursery

3) Building a compost structure for your farm

4) Minimum tillage for maize

5) Insuring your crop

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 6: Mango Markets, Financing , FAW control & Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Machakos County, we’re visiting farmers Rose and Grace, who share more than just blood, they are best friends and they have invested in agribusiness together; apart from farming these two ladies help each other run a pharmacy and clinic, so we’ve come to where farming and pharmacy is done for healthy living…

Let’s go find out how the two sisters are balancing family, farming and pharmacy…

This week we are learning about;

      1. Mangoes-Markets

      2. Financing chicken feed

      3. FAW control

      4. Maize Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 7: Pest &Disease, Financing Fertilizer, Maize & Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Bungoma County. One of the counties that produces maize for our country.

We are visiting maize farmers Mary and Julius, who has taken precaution for their maize farming. We want to find out what we can learn from them and how we can work with and assist them

This week we are learning about;

  1. Fall army worm - Parasitoids 

  2. Financing Fertilizer

  3. Maize MLND

  4. Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 16: Sheep management, Tomato, Maize Insurance & Marketing

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in Kajiado County known for wildlife and domestic livestock and we’re visiting farmer Sister Lucy at the Loreto Sisters. This is a rescue center that hosts a number of girls from different communities. Let’s find out the challenges they are having and how we can assist

This week we are going to learn about:

     1. Sheep management

     2. Livestock marketing

     3. Manage farming with climate change – Tomatoes

     4. How crop insurance can help manage climate change risks

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 21: Push Pull, Savings, Crop Insurance and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Kakamega County the home of Maize and sugarcane, its known for bull fighting and cock fighting. We are here to meet hardworking farmers who have experience in farming, Farmers Florence and husband Noah Nabutete.

Let’s go and see what we can learn:

    1) FAW- Push and Pull 

    2) Financial Literacy - Savings

    3) Calliandra Harvest and feeding 

    4) Crop Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 23: Shamba Shape Up story - Wise Woman

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

So Today we want to shape up your farm differently.

Farming as all other family activities needs patience, team work, persistence and sharing of ideas.

It needs a high level of family consultation-working together towards a common success but this is not always the case, and research has shown that without family working as a team and with understanding many farming activities have ended up being quite unprofitable

We bringing you a special Shamba Shape Up today, we bring you a shamba story… Sit back watch and learn

Partner's Clips - Financial Inclusion_Insurance

What is insurance and how to get insurance