Pasture Production
Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 9: Pasture production, Beehives, Goat and Finances

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in Baringo county. We’re searching for gold, but we’re not going to be mining under the ground no we’re looking towards the skies because this is liquid gold from the honey bees of Baringo.

We’re visiting bee keeper Simon Chesang. Their farm covers 30 acres.  And Simon doesn’t only keep bees for honey, he’s a livestock farmer too.

So, join us as we find out more:

     1. How community management can benefit dryland areas 

     2. How to finance your bee business and grow

     3. Keeping goats in a changing climate

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 18: Cattle, Pasture, Solar pump & Rain water harvest

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

Today we are in Kajiado county. Kajiado name comes from the word Olkeju-ado. Which means "The Long River" in the Maasai language.

We’re visiting a Masai elder Mr. Makui who is working with other farmers in the community to mitigate climate change. Makui is not only a family man but also an elder who is involved in matters affecting his community.

They have a large farm where they keep cows, grow and preserve pasture, maize and beans.

Let’s go and see what we can learn from this farm:

     1. Cattle milk

     2. Solar water pump installation

     3. Rain water harvest

     4. Supplementary fodder production

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 12(UG): Coffee plantation, Cow Pasture, Pest and diseases

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Meet 50 yrs. old Benon, he originally from bushenyi area and moved to this area in the early 1990’s. He’s been farming for the last 20 years 

Working hard he grows a variety of crops and keep livestock - but this main income comes from coffee

Benon also has some challenges with his cattle

Let’s go and learn more:

    1) Coffee Plantation management

    2) Pasture: Animal production

    3) Coffee: Pest and diseases