# Produce
Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 5: "Machiavellians"

MARKET, QUALITY OF PRODUCE Esteri finds better market for the Matooke produce, she convinces the women that the only way they can get a better price is by joining their produce and selling in Bulk. Dorotia is sceptical about the idea and she thinks she will be cheated, even Esteri’s buyer takes long to arrive which unnerves the women. The women rally behind Esteri and decide they will not sell to Aggrey but to Esteri’s produce buyer. Dorotia, tired of waiting convinces Jenny to talk to Aggrey so that they can sell their produce, they need money. Jenny tries to get Aggrey to pay her what he owes but Aggrey tricks her into convincing the women to sell to him, at a lower price. Esteri is surprised when Jenny, Dorotia and Joy decide to sell to Aggrey who cheats them, there is celebration at the market when the buyer arrives offering the market Price.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 2: We are back

Alphonse and Trinity identify exciting opportunities in agriculture as Shaka and Mandevu take responsibility for their domestic violence behaviour when the Mpeke Town community raises a voice against it. Emphasis: Compost manure, Produce value and Domestic violence.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 14: Elephant Man

Isaiah is doing his best to stop the village people from killing elephants. The efforts seem futile, but he is unstoppable