# Rice
Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 4: Rice, Potato, Water harvest, Jiko and Chickens

Evans learns to use fertilisers to increase his rice crop, guttering, rainwater harvesting, and a jiko are added. Ways to increase potato, maize and chicken production are also discussed.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 3 - Shamba Shape Up Series 3 - Ep 13 (Revisits): Rice, Bee Keeping and Chicken Management

This season's finale Shamba Shape Up revisits past farms to see how the farmers are doing. We look at bees, chickens, antibiotics in animals and growing rice.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 19: Rice, East Coast Fever, Newcastle Disease

We are back in Arusha, Tanzania to lend our help to Ndetaniswa once more. We examine her rice fields and show her how to control rice blast so as to improve her harvest. We also vaccinate her chickens against Newcastle Disease, advise her on how to increase her dairy milk production and vaccinate her cows against East Coast Fever.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 6: Rice, Dairy Cows and Solar Home System

We are in Mwea Kirinyaga County visiting Evans and Agnes Warui. We look into pests and diseases affecting his rice and which fertilisers to use for planting and top dressing. We also show him how to improve his milk yield by preventing mastitis and instal a solar home system.