Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 2: Soil testing, Kales and Jiko

We visit Reginah's shamba to help her improve her soil quality by testing it and using the correct fertilisers. She gets help planting her new Kale crop, and learn about a new type of jiko.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 6: Cow Care, Soil test, Pest & Disease & Financial Literacy

John from Rongai gets help on his shamba getting his cows free from disease such mastitis, flees and ticks. His soil is tested and the team go to agricultural show to learn about banking.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 7: Cow Care, Kales, Push-Pull, Soil test and Solar power

Help is at hand for Mary & Maseno! SSU helps them build a cow shed, also improving their crops by introducing 'push-pull' technique and soil testing. A new roof is even added to their house!

Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 1: In the beginning

Ken and Leah from Kenya, and Issah and Winrose from Tanzania arrive on the DLTP farm and get acquainted with their new living quarters. The rules are set out and they get introduced to the importance of budgeting and soil testing, before they do any further planning.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 4: MLND Maize, Chicken, beans, sunflowers and soil testing

We are visiting John's farm in Jinja, Uganda for the first episode of the new series. We look at maize disease MLND, planting, chickens, beans, sunflowers and soil testing.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 13: Fodder, Chicken vaccination, Soil test, Resistant crops

We visit Pamela And Joseph in Homa Bay county. Learn about growing fodder crops and their advantages, vaccinating chicken, soil testing and drought resistant crops. 

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 14: Tissue Culture Banana, Soil Test, Farmer Groups, Dairy Cows

We are in Kirinyaga county at Hellen's farm. We see how to grow Tissue culture bananas, the importance of soil testing, farmer groups and how to improve her dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 15: Chicken, Potatoes, Financial Literacy, Soil test, Chemicals

We are at Leonard's farm in Bomet county. We help him with his chicken, show him the viazi power method of growing potatoes, test his soil and show him how to identify fake chemicals.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 17: Soil test, Tomatoes, Dairy, Pest & disease, Kitchen garden

We are in Kiatuni Village, Machakos County at Anne's farm. The climate there is dry so there is not much rain. We test her soil, show her how to plant tomatoes and manage pests and diseases.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 18: Revisit 2

In the course of many different climatic seasons we have visited many farmers. We revisit some of the farmers and see whether they have turned their shambas into good business.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 21: Apples, Tissue Culture Banana, Dairy Cows, Soil test

We are in Eastern Uganda, Busoga region at Christopher and Christine's farm. We help them with their cows, bananas and teach them about growing apples and the importance of soil testing.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 23: Soil test, Solar lights, Chicken, Dairy Cows, Internet

We are in Amaiga, Kisii County at Paul's Farm. We help him improve his onions after doing a soil test, teach him about properly managing his dairy cows and his chicken.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 24: Soil test, Chicken, Records, Post Harvest Losses, Phones

We are in Vihiga County, Western Region at Dick Morgan's Shamba. We help him improve his chicken and ways to reduce post harvest losses when storing his grains.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 24: Cows, Soil Testing, Supplements and Post- harvest storage

We are in Kisii County on Hellen and Fredrick's shamba. We have a look at their dairy cows and calf, vaccinate them against East Coast Fever. We also show them the benefits of doing a soil test and how to properly store their produce after harvest.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 25: Dairy Cows, Fertilisers, Solar Lights and Solar test

We're in Mbale, Uganda visiting Aaron and his wife's farm. We teach him about the benefits of using supplements to increase milk yields and the importance of soil testing in order to select the right fertiliser. We also show him how to vaccinate his cows against East Coast Fever and introduce him to solar lights.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 4: Soil Testing, PATG water tank, Pest&diseases, EPC & Nutrition

Welcome To Shamba Shape Up.

This week we’re in Kikuyu ,and we’re taking a trip down memory lane

 We’re re-visiting a farm we first shaped up over 10 years ago! 

That’s right, at the start of our very first series of Shamba Shape Up

 And we can’t wait to see how it’s been doing.

➢We find out why it’s important to do a soil test

➢ How to get a water tank from M-KOPA to help with irrigation

➢ How to combat pest and diseases in your crops

➢ Find out about Electric Pressure Cookers

➢ What kind of food should babies eat for a nutritious diet?

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 5: Soil Testing, Potatoes, Insurance, Silage, Napier & Avocado

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Meru County. We are visiting farmer Joseph and Josephine Kimathi.

We get to learn about:

• Doing Soil test on a potato field 

• Benefits of Crop Insurance 

• What to do to stop Napier smut disease from spreading. 

• How improving cow fodder can increase milk yield 

• Making Silage 

• How to manage our Avocado tree for better yields.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 8: Crop rotation, Soil test, Water harvesting , Forages, Trees

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up.

This week we are in Bungoma, by the powerful Nabuyole falls. We are visiting farmers Godfrey and Catherine Scout.

This week we are learning about:

1) Crop rotation

2) Soil testing

3) Building a water pan for water harvesting

4) Forages for Economic Empowerment

5) Trees as a Buffer Zone

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 1(UG): Dairy, Soil test, Banana, Crop Rotation and Vegetables

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirangira Village, Mukono central and we’re meeting with farmer  Dorothy Nakalembe.

Dorothy’s a very experienced lady who’s been farming since 1980. She has a 3-acre farm where she grows bananas, maize and vegetables .She also has cows but she needs expert advice on them and of course for her vegetables.

This is one farmer who knows what she wants!

In this farm we are learning about:

            1. Dairy breeding, nutrition and hygiene

            2. What to plant after Clearing Banana                  plantation

            3. Soil testing on banana plantation

            4.  Vegetables transplanting and good farming practices

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 2(UG): Soil test, Pest & Diseases, Coffee, Bananas and OFSP

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Bulika village in Mukono and we’re visiting farmer Olivia Kiwombeeka. A very hard-working lady and mother to 14 children. She has a 4-acre farm where she grows coffee, bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, beans! And don’t forget the cows, the pigs, the goats, the chicken, the pigeons!!!

Where does she find the energy???

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Soil fertility and manure drying and soil testing

     2. Pests and diseases control in Coffee plantation

     3. Bananas: Good farming practices

     4. Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 3(UG): Cabbage, Water harvest, Soil test, Poultry hygiene & Banana

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

Today we’re in Kirowoza Village, in Mukono and we’re visiting farmers Moses and Miriam Sabika and their family on their one-and-a-half-acre farm “Momisa”. 

“Momisa” for Moses and Miriam, I guess! Our farmers have four children and eight grandchildren and they all love farming.

One daughter is trying her hand at rearing rabbits; the grandchildren are taking care of the pigs  and I’m sure the twins will end up farming too. But, where does this passion come from?

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Water harvesting and Cabbages

     2. Soil testing

     3. Poultry hygiene

     4. Bananas good farm management

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1-Ep 4(UG): Coffee, Soil testing, Cow nutrition and Bananas

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

We’re in Lutego village, in Mukono and we’re here to meet with a very hard-working farmer, Daoudi Lugasa and his wife Nanfuka. 

Yes but, Nanfuka does have a shop, which got me all confused! In fact, Daoudi is the proud owner of 6 acres of land, where he grows mainly coffee and bananas, and maize and avocados he’s got cows and chicken.

Yes, but half of his land is allocated to coffee!

In this farm we are learning about:

     1. Coffee: Good farming practices and pests and diseases control

     2. Soil testing

     3. Cow nutrition

     4. Bananas good farming practices

Shamba Shape Up Season 13 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 13 - Ep 1: Soil test, Minimum Tillage, Herbicide, Climate Literacy & Electric Pressure Cooker

Welcome to the 13th Year of Shamba Shape Up! On our first episode, we are in the foothills of the Aberdare’s in, Miharati, Nyandarua county. We’re visiting the young farmer John Gatimu. John has taken over running his father’s farm and is working hard to turn around the farms fortunes, by trying various modern methods of farming. He has cows, sheep and grows maize for consumption and fodder. He also grows millet for fodder and is currently trying out peas to sell. Together with join and our amazing experts, we learn all about: Why and how to do a soil test. 1. How to clear your field of weeds before planting maize. 2. Learning how to understand climate 3. Minimum tillage with a tractor And Using solar to cook with the electric pressure cooker