# Storage
Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 10: "Every Dog Has His Day"

HARVESTING, DRYING, SHELLING, STORAGE Isabella and the VSLA youth launch their initiative to work together as they harvest, dry, store, save to buy a shelling machine for their maize and also look for good market prices.

USE OF TRACTORS (MECHANIZATION), VALUE ADDITION, BEST MARKET Aggrey tries to convince Jenny to see things from his perspective about farmers using the tractor to improve on their lives he doesn’t know what she has in store for him.

FARMING AS A FAMILY BUSINESS, STORAGE, DRYING The Ssebyuuma’s democratically decide on who is going to run the family business.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 9: "Let's Go Dancing"

BEST MARKETS, STORAGE, SHORT TERM CROPS (HORTICULTURE) Isabella, Isaiah and the youth (VSLA) have a discussion on how to find good market for their produce, they also get a demonstration on how to use pic bags for storage and also what is best to plant as a short-term crop in order to always have a cash flow.

BEST MARKETS, ORANGE SWEET FLESH POTATOES, The SACCO celebrate their merger and also discuss their way forward as a group, they hold an auction.

FAMILY WORKING TOGETHER Alphonse and Joy re-commit to each other and promise to work together as a family

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 1: "New Dawn"

YOUTHS AND EMPLOYMENT Isaiah, the son of farmer Alphonse, has moved to the city to ride a boda-boda, however the drama of working in the city catches up with Isaiah when his bike is stolen and he gambles away his last coins before being forced by circumstances to return to Kabulondampeke.

IMPROVE FARMING, IRON RICH BEANS, MAIZE, INTER CROPPING Isabella who returns from Agriculture School to help out on her mother Esteri’s farm is determined to make a living farming. With the support of her mother and assistance from Gabriel, the handsome Agro-vet, she begins to slowly understand her new calling.

ACCESS TO FINANCE, STORAGE Aggrey, a local business man is hell bent on seeing the local farmer’s cooperative fail so that he promotes his new bulk store facility.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 9: A reason to

Shaka gets a lesson and he makes up his mind to be a crusader for financial inclusion of women in marriage. Get an insight on goat rearing practices and storage of vegetables.

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 23: Together

Saba Saba rejects poor quality produce  from Dorotia, Joy & Agatha as directed by Confidence. There is a need for unity.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 18: IR Maize, Storage, Poultry & Indigenous Vegetables

We meet Eric and Leonida from Vihiga, Nyanza to learn about planting IR maize, African indigenous vegetables, crop protection and storage, youth and poultry, and solar lights.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 12: Tomatoes, Conservation Agriculture, Post Harvest Storage

We are in Elgeyo-Marakwet County at Abraham and Priscilla's shamba. We have a look at their dairy cows, chicken, introduce them to the Jab Planter and Direct Seeder for conservation agriculture and bring them some tomato seedlings for their greenhouse.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 14: Certified Seeds, Post Harvest Storage, Record Keeping

We are in Vihiga County at Susan and Dick Morgan's shamba. We do a soil test, introduce them to certified seeds suitable for their area and advice them on how to properly store their produce after harvest. We also install a solar home system and show him and his farmers group how to properly keep records.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 11: Soil Health, Dairy Calf, Maize Storage

We are in Bungoma County visiting Betty Naliaka. We learn the importance of doing a soil test to know which nutrients are lacking in the soil and which fertilizers to use. We also learn how to properly rear healthy dairy calves and how to safely store maize after harvest.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 4: Beef Cattle, Mangoes, Macadamia

We are in Embu County visiting Cyril Gachawa. We learn how to properly feed and manage beef cattle and how to manage and improve mango varieties. We also bring in an expert on macadamia growing and advice him on how to properly store cereals after harvest.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 14: Tomatoes, Goats, Storage

We are in Kamukunji Village in Nakuru County visiting Michael Wachira and his family. Michael trains farmers so we get a few tips from him then look at how to improve his dairy goats and maize post harvest storage. We also advise him on how to handle the pests and disease in his tomatoes.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 10 - Ep 8: Cold Chain, Avocados, Electric Pressure cooker

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary. 

In this special report we trace the cold chain, the meat you produce from the slaughter house to the point of sale (Supermarket), so you can see what goes on.

Also we visit Laurence and Margaret mwema in Kiambu county, we learn about harvesting avocados and also help with a smoky kitchen by introducing the Electric pressure cooker.

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 16(UG): Pasture & storage, Dairy AI, Poultry Housing & Management

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Kasutaime village in Mayuge and we want to see what our 35-year-old farmer, Gerald Machario, is doing on his 12 acres.

Like most farms here, Gerald’s land is fragmented. He still grows sugarcane, bananas, maize and beans but it’s mainly for home consumption. 

But he now has a new project on six acres and it’s not crop: he wants to focus on kuroiler chicken, cows and pastures, is it because it’s more profitable than any other crop… I mean no coffee Gerald?

Let’s go and learn more:

           1) Chicken: 

               • Management of existing kuroilers

               • Housing spacing, feeders, drinkers + perches

           2) Pasture varieties and properties + storage

           3) Cows improving breeds and using Artificial Insemination

Partner's Clips - Maize_Maize Harvesting & Storage

When to harvest and how to store maize so it lasts longer