Chicken Feeds
Know Zone

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 2: Maize, Groundnuts, indigenous vegetable & Chicken feeds

In this episode we visit Rebecca's farm on Bungoma county. We look at how to keep healthy chickens, planting groundnuts & beans, fertilisers, legumes & traditional African veg, OFSP and maize crops.

More on Chicken Feeds
Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 1: Sorghum, Certified seeds, Chicken, OFSP and Dairy feeding

We visit Gideon & Alice in Nakuru to shape up their shamba for the new series! We look at their cows (feeding), OFSP (planting & storage), chickens (housing, vaccine & supplements) & sorghum.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 2: Maize, Groundnuts, indigenous vegetable & Chicken feeds

In this episode we visit Rebecca's farm on Bungoma county. We look at how to keep healthy chickens, planting groundnuts & beans, fertilisers, legumes & traditional African veg, OFSP and maize crops.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 15: Chicken, Solar Light, Certified Seeds and Water harvest

We visit Emmanuel in Kisarian who needs a shape up of his chickens (hatching, breeding and feeding), solar light, water harvesting and planting certified seeds.

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 23: Charcoal, Chicken, Cow Health and Solar Light

We are in Nairobi meeting Joyce and Antony to learn about making charcoal briquettes, keeping animals healthy, feeding chickens, livestock resilience and solar power.

Shamba Shape Up Season 7 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 7 - Ep 19: Tomatoes, Kienyeji Chicken, Dairy Cows

We are in Kiambu county visiting Michael and Pauline Murito. We have a look at the pests and diseases affecting his greenhouse tomatoes and learn about a new targeted feeding system for kienyeji birds. We also learn about the importance of hygiene in keeping dairy cows.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 12 - Ep 3: Kienyeji Chicken, Finance & Marketing, Beans and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in MÛkÛrwe’inî, Nyeri county. We’re visiting far manager Juliette and farm owner Karanja. Their main business is Bananas and Plantains but they have 600 Kienyeji chickens and a lot more besides this. 

Let’s go and meet them and learn more

In this Episode we are learning about:

  1. Chicken hygiene and feeds

  2. Financial planning and markets

  3. Treating your seeds for planting

  4. Planting Calliandra seedlings in a nursery and its benefits