Fake Chemicals
Know Zone

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Ant Hills and Protective Gear

Arthur learns how to deal with his Ant hills, BUT remember to ALWAYS wear protective gear when handling Chemicals

More on Fake Chemicals
Shamba Shape Up : Series 5 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 5 - Ep 7: Chickens, Cows, Fake Chemicals

We meet Dorothy from Matasia to learn more about her cows which have vitamin and mineral deficiencies, chickens and how to spot a fake chemical from a real one.

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Fake Chemicals

Arthur  learns what to look out for when buying chemical, in order to avoid getting a fake product

Shamba Shape Up - Short Clips - Shamba Shape Up clips - Ant Hills and Protective Gear

Arthur learns how to deal with his Ant hills, BUT remember to ALWAYS wear protective gear when handling Chemicals