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Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 21(UG): Dairy Cow, Silage, Tomato, Intercropping & Vegetables

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Busei B village in Iganga and we’re visiting farmer Charles Kiwanuka and cartographer by profession.

Charles has 7 acres of land and he has 5 permanent workers.  He grows bananas and has 300 plants. He harvests about 8 bunches per week from 1 acre. He has chicken and goats. 

He has 4 cows, but they’re milking only one cow and are getting 12 litres per day. One is in calf, but we need to see how they’re preparing it for birth. He didn’t know anything about drying for example. 

He grows tomatoes on one acre and will be planting new tomatoes mid-June. They supply tomatoes and bananas to the big hotels in the area.

He has 2 acres of elephant grass for his cows, but it is the grass that has the least protein, so will see which pasture is best for livestock. 

And he’s also experimenting by intercropping sukuma wiki with peppers. 

His main challenge is a lack of enough water for irrigation in the dry seasons. 

Let’s go and learn more:

    1) Cow preparation for birth

    2) Pastures silage

    3) Tomatoes management and staking

    4) Intercropping Sukuma and peppers

More on Pepper
Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 15(UG): Heifer management, Tomatoes, Peppers & Banana wilt

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

The owner of this beautiful place is Alex Ochieng who’s been a full-time farmer since 1997. He’s 46 years old… can you believe it he was only 21 when he started farming! 

On his 10 acres of land, Alex grows bananas of course and Coffee too of course... we’re in Uganda, so it’s a must! 

Tomatoes and peppers and he’s got a water tank and an irrigation system for his vegetables and bananas and then cows.

On this farm we learn about:

    1) Heifer management

    2) Tomatoes production

    3) Pepper management

    4) Banana bacterial wilt

Shamba Shape Uganda Season 1 - Shamba Shape Up Series 1 - Ep 21(UG): Dairy Cow, Silage, Tomato, Intercropping & Vegetables

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up Uganda!

This week we’re in Busei B village in Iganga and we’re visiting farmer Charles Kiwanuka and cartographer by profession.

Charles has 7 acres of land and he has 5 permanent workers.  He grows bananas and has 300 plants. He harvests about 8 bunches per week from 1 acre. He has chicken and goats. 

He has 4 cows, but they’re milking only one cow and are getting 12 litres per day. One is in calf, but we need to see how they’re preparing it for birth. He didn’t know anything about drying for example. 

He grows tomatoes on one acre and will be planting new tomatoes mid-June. They supply tomatoes and bananas to the big hotels in the area.

He has 2 acres of elephant grass for his cows, but it is the grass that has the least protein, so will see which pasture is best for livestock. 

And he’s also experimenting by intercropping sukuma wiki with peppers. 

His main challenge is a lack of enough water for irrigation in the dry seasons. 

Let’s go and learn more:

    1) Cow preparation for birth

    2) Pastures silage

    3) Tomatoes management and staking

    4) Intercropping Sukuma and peppers