# Market
Know Zone

Shamba Shape Up Season 9

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 2: Mangoes, Avocados, Dairy Cows

We are in Muranga County visiting Fredrick Njuguna. We look at how climate change is affecting farmers, learn how to properly take care of pests and diseases in mangoes and avocados and a better form of transport to get farm produce to the market. We also look at how to properly feed dairy cows to increase milk yield.

More on # Market
Shamba Shape Up : Series 2 - Shamba Shape Up Series 2 - Ep 1: Markets, Chillis, Cow Care

We kick off with a visit to Lydia's Shamba in Nakuru. She needs advice on markets, drying her chilli's and seeds, and has a cow in calf that isn't giving her much milk. Time for a shape up!

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 10: "Every Dog Has His Day"

HARVESTING, DRYING, SHELLING, STORAGE Isabella and the VSLA youth launch their initiative to work together as they harvest, dry, store, save to buy a shelling machine for their maize and also look for good market prices.

USE OF TRACTORS (MECHANIZATION), VALUE ADDITION, BEST MARKET Aggrey tries to convince Jenny to see things from his perspective about farmers using the tractor to improve on their lives he doesn’t know what she has in store for him.

FARMING AS A FAMILY BUSINESS, STORAGE, DRYING The Ssebyuuma’s democratically decide on who is going to run the family business.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 5: "Machiavellians"

MARKET, QUALITY OF PRODUCE Esteri finds better market for the Matooke produce, she convinces the women that the only way they can get a better price is by joining their produce and selling in Bulk. Dorotia is sceptical about the idea and she thinks she will be cheated, even Esteri’s buyer takes long to arrive which unnerves the women. The women rally behind Esteri and decide they will not sell to Aggrey but to Esteri’s produce buyer. Dorotia, tired of waiting convinces Jenny to talk to Aggrey so that they can sell their produce, they need money. Jenny tries to get Aggrey to pay her what he owes but Aggrey tricks her into convincing the women to sell to him, at a lower price. Esteri is surprised when Jenny, Dorotia and Joy decide to sell to Aggrey who cheats them, there is celebration at the market when the buyer arrives offering the market Price.

Mpeke Town Season 1 - Mpeke Town Series 1 - Episode 9: "Let's Go Dancing"

BEST MARKETS, STORAGE, SHORT TERM CROPS (HORTICULTURE) Isabella, Isaiah and the youth (VSLA) have a discussion on how to find good market for their produce, they also get a demonstration on how to use pic bags for storage and also what is best to plant as a short-term crop in order to always have a cash flow.

BEST MARKETS, ORANGE SWEET FLESH POTATOES, The SACCO celebrate their merger and also discuss their way forward as a group, they hold an auction.

FAMILY WORKING TOGETHER Alphonse and Joy re-commit to each other and promise to work together as a family

Mpeke Town Season 2 - Mpeke Town Series 2 - Episode 19: EH!

Mercy's tenure begins, and it is not a walk in the park.

Don't Lose The Plot Season 1 - Don't Lose the Plot Series 1 - Episode 3: Broiler, Dairy and Market

Michael from Coopers and Rispah from Kenchic, visit the farmers to discuss the potential benefits of doing dairy and broiler farming, respectively. We also learn more about how to find a market. It looks like the gloves are slowly coming off as we witness the first display of competition tactics.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 3: Kienyeji Chicken, Finance & Marketing, Beans and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in MÛkÛrwe’inî, Nyeri county. We’re visiting far manager Juliette and farm owner Karanja. Their main business is Bananas and Plantains but they have 600 Kienyeji chickens and a lot more besides this. 

Let’s go and meet them and learn more

In this Episode we are learning about:

  1. Chicken hygiene and feeds

  2. Financial planning and markets

  3. Treating your seeds for planting

  4. Planting Calliandra seedlings in a nursery and its benefits

Shamba Shape Up : Series 4 - Shamba Shape Up Series 4 - Episode 2: Maize, Groundnuts, indigenous vegetable & Chicken feeds

In this episode we visit Rebecca's farm on Bungoma county. We look at how to keep healthy chickens, planting groundnuts & beans, fertilisers, legumes & traditional African veg, OFSP and maize crops.

Shamba Shape Up Season 6 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 6 - Ep 9: Mangoes, Chicken, Solar Lights

We are in Bukedia District in Uganda at John and Dimitria Okedi's shamba. We test their soil to find out how to make it better and how to get better prices for their mangoes. We also vaccinate their chicken and introduce them to solar lights.

Shamba Shape Up Season 8 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 8 - Ep 17: Beef Cattle, Farm Transport, Lion Lights

We are in Kajiado County visiting Bernard and Jemima. We look at how to improve profits in their beef cattle business, and inform them on the benefits of having a truck to help transport the cattle to market. We also do a soil test and introduce them to Lion Lights that help keep their livestock safe from Lions.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 2: Mangoes, Avocados, Dairy Cows

We are in Muranga County visiting Fredrick Njuguna. We look at how climate change is affecting farmers, learn how to properly take care of pests and diseases in mangoes and avocados and a better form of transport to get farm produce to the market. We also look at how to properly feed dairy cows to increase milk yield.

Shamba Shape Up Season 9 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 9 - Ep 17: Mangoes, Agricultural Insurance

This episode is dedicated to mangoes, how to manage them, market them and not forgetting value addition. We also look at how insurance can benefit farmers.

Shamba Shape Up Season 10 - Shamba Shape Up Sn10 - Ep 9: OFSP, Dairy Cows, Trees and Insurance

Welcome to a new series of Shamba Shape Up celebrating our tenth anniversary. This week we are in Bungoma visiting Bishop Nelson. We get to learn about harvesting method of Orange Fleshed Sweet potatoes so as to fetch better market prices, How to improve and choose best breed for milk production for your dairy cows. We also learn about how to plant and choose the right trees for your area and also learn about how to insure your farm.

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 6: FallArmy worm, Mangoes, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes, Market

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up,

This week we are in Machakos, visiting the Mumo family. 

The last time we were here, we gave Victoria advice on how to plant Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes and how to manage Fall armyworm.

This week we want to help our farmers find the right markets for their crops.  

We learn about: 

• How to combat Fall Army Worm

• How to build markets for mangoes

• Also we want to find out all about Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

Shamba Shape Up Season 11 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 11 - Ep 17: Pyrethrum, Pests & diseases, Cows, Sheep and Farmers phone

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Turi village, Nakuru County. We are visiting farmer Elizabeth Waireri

This week we learn about:

1) How to grow and store Pyrethrum and it's importance in the export market

2) How to get rid of internal and external parasites in cows and Sheeps

3) Getting farm information on your smartphone.

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Sn 12 - Ep 3: Kienyeji Chicken, Finance & Marketing, Beans and Calliandra

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in MÛkÛrwe’inî, Nyeri county. We’re visiting far manager Juliette and farm owner Karanja. Their main business is Bananas and Plantains but they have 600 Kienyeji chickens and a lot more besides this. 

Let’s go and meet them and learn more

In this Episode we are learning about:

  1. Chicken hygiene and feeds

  2. Financial planning and markets

  3. Treating your seeds for planting

  4. Planting Calliandra seedlings in a nursery and its benefits

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 - Episode 6: Mango Markets, Financing , FAW control & Insurance

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we are in Machakos County, we’re visiting farmers Rose and Grace, who share more than just blood, they are best friends and they have invested in agribusiness together; apart from farming these two ladies help each other run a pharmacy and clinic, so we’ve come to where farming and pharmacy is done for healthy living…

Let’s go find out how the two sisters are balancing family, farming and pharmacy…

This week we are learning about;

      1. Mangoes-Markets

      2. Financing chicken feed

      3. FAW control

      4. Maize Insurance

Shamba Shape Up Season 12 - Shamba Shape Up Series 12 – Episode 16: Sheep management, Tomato, Maize Insurance & Marketing

Welcome to Shamba Shape Up

This week we’re in Kajiado County known for wildlife and domestic livestock and we’re visiting farmer Sister Lucy at the Loreto Sisters. This is a rescue center that hosts a number of girls from different communities. Let’s find out the challenges they are having and how we can assist

This week we are going to learn about:

     1. Sheep management

     2. Livestock marketing

     3. Manage farming with climate change – Tomatoes

     4. How crop insurance can help manage climate change risks